Sueños ahogados

Matthias Beck & Lars Amundsen
Sueños ahogados

Impresión tipográfica a dos tintas

Year: 2020

Edition of 10


From our place of residence, where this year the most risky migratory route to reach Europe has been reactivated, we talk about the incongruity between our values ?? that define us as humanity and the harsh reality in the migration process. The dreams and hopes that are left behind when they collide with the borders that humans have built between us.


Biografía del artista

German graphic designer Matthias Beck and Norwegian graphic designer Lars Amundsen teamed up in 2014 to create the only letterpress workshop in the Canary Islands. Tipos en su tinta as it is called, is a totally manual letterpress workshop and most of the printing tools have been rescued from old print workshops on the island where they both have lived for almost 15 years.
Apart from designing and printing limited edition prints, Tipos en su tinta offer creative workshops to the local residents and European tourists not only seeking the sun but also a taste of the local culture in Tenerife.